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中华移植杂志(电子版) ›› 2019, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (01) : 28 -33. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-3903.2019.01.007

所属专题: 文献


江文诗1,(), Maria Paula Gomez2, Gloria Paez2, Marti Manyalich2   
  1. 1. 518054 深圳,国际器官捐献与移植注册
    2. 518054 深圳,国际器官捐献与移植注册;08028 巴塞罗那,西班牙器官捐献与移植研究院基金会
  • 收稿日期:2018-11-30 出版日期:2019-02-25
  • 通信作者: 江文诗

The beauty of the data - focusing on the trend of global organ donation

Wenshi Jiang1,(), Maria Paula Gomez2, Gloria Paez2, Marti Manyalich2   

  1. 1. International Registry on Organ Donation and Transplantation, Shenzhen 518054, China
    2. International Registry on Organ Donation and Transplantation, Shenzhen 518054, China; Donation and Transplant Institute Foundation, Barcelona 08028, Spain
  • Received:2018-11-30 Published:2019-02-25
  • Corresponding author: Wenshi Jiang
  • About author:
    Corresponding author: Jiang Wenshi, Email:

江文诗, Maria Paula Gomez, Gloria Paez, Marti Manyalich. 数据之美——聚焦全球器官捐献发展趋势[J]. 中华移植杂志(电子版), 2019, 13(01): 28-33.

Wenshi Jiang, Maria Paula Gomez, Gloria Paez, Marti Manyalich. The beauty of the data - focusing on the trend of global organ donation[J]. Chinese Journal of Transplantation(Electronic Edition), 2019, 13(01): 28-33.

器官移植术是20世纪出现的针对器官功能衰竭的最有效治疗方法,每年拯救全球超过12万例患者。但供器官短缺的现状,与器官移植技术和辅助药物的发展不匹配,制约了器官移植事业的发展。我国自2015年起已成为全球器官捐献和移植大国之一,2017年公民逝世后器官捐献数量超过5 000例,占全球捐献总量的15%以上。黄洁夫教授总结的器官捐献与移植"中国模式"得到了世界卫生组织、国际移植界的高度重视和充分肯定。本文通过整理全球及各国的器官捐献与移植数据,剖析全球现状与发展趋势,进一步探索我国公民器官捐献的影响因素并提出针对性的应对策略,以期实现我国器官捐献和移植的"自给自足"。

Organ transplantation is the most effective treatment for organ failure occurred in the 20th century, saving more than 120 000 organ failure patients worldwide every year. However, the global organ shortage, which does not match the development of organ transplantation and adjuvant drugs, restricts the development of organ transplantation. Since 2015, China reached the second largest country in terms of the absolute number of organ transplantation worldwide. In 2017, the number of organ donation after citizens′ death exceeded 5 000 cases, accounting for more than 15% of the total global donation. The "Chinese model" of organ donation and transplantation summarized by professor Huang Jiefu has been highly valued and fully affirmed by the World Health Organization and the international transplant community. By analyzing the global data of organ donation and transplantation, this paper describes the current global situation and developing trend for further exploring the influencing factors of organ donation and transplantation in China, and putting forward corresponding countermeasures in order to achieve self-sufficiency of organ donation for transplantation in China.

图1 2015年全球六大区域器官捐献构成情况
图2 2015年全球部分国家心脏死亡器官捐献情况
图3 2017年全球各国每百万人口器官捐献率
图4 全球捐献数量前十位的国家器官捐献发展趋势
图5 2016年美国58家OPO各项基础指标差异对比
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